
Military Ships (with Jump Engines and heavily shielded)

Battleships:Click on
this to go to Battleship graphics
Well armed craft with limited fighter storage facilities. Normally used as escort fire-power for Destroyers, Heavy Cruisers, Dreadnoughts and SuperDeadnoughts.

Destroyers:Click on this to go to Destroyers graphics
Heavily armed craft which can carry up to 30 fighters and recon craft. Normally they also have troop transportation space and cargo areas.

Heavy Cruisers:Click on this to go to Cruisers graphics
Fighter transport craft. These ships also include cabins for pilots and engineers. The space restrictions this poses means that these ships do not have brilliant weapons systems and must have a battleship or destroyer escort.

Very well armed ships which can carry up to 100 fighters, their pilots and engineers, troops, hardware and still have room for fast, powerful drive systems.

SuperDreadnoughts are among the most powerful ships in the galaxy. Each can carry over 200 fighters and a crew of nearly 1000 people. The weapons systems these can carry can literally flatten the surface of a planet or destroy space stations.

See Also: Other Smaller Military Ships , Ship Weaponary , Jumpgate Technology
Collins Encyclopedia Galactica - All Contents © Eddie Collins , Chris Page & George Hornmoen